Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA)
What is an MDMA?
MDMAs are responsible for collecting customer usage data from submeters, validating the data, and sending it to the utility to generate bills for the main meter and the submeter. Gridtractor was recently approved as a MDMA for Southern California Edison and plans to launch this service for customers in Q1 of this year. We expect to be approved as an MDMA for PG&E in the coming weeks.
Who needs MDMA services?
Customers that are looking to qualify for certain EV charging rates will need to submeter their EV charger. To participate, interested parties will need to partner with a data services provider (also referred to as a Meter Data Management Agent, or MDMA) that will routinely collect and transmit the submeter data to SCE for billing purposes. The new Submeter billing option allows customers and other interested third parties to install a separate meter (submeter) to record the electricity their EV charging equipment uses and receive a separate bill.

How does the submeter work?
Metering capabilities are often embedded into EV charging equipment and can track electricity used during EV charging. If the customer has an EV charger that is not on the approved list, an external submeter can be installed to record the usage. The recorded usage data will then be transmitted to the utility by the MDMA. Once received, the submeter data will be used to calculate a separate bill under a qualifying EV rate plan. The utility will also perform calculations to adjust the recorded usage on the primary meter account, upstream of the EV charging equipment, to reflect a corresponding reduction in consumption and create an adjusted bill (as appliable). The list of approved submeters can be found here.
How do I get more information or move forward with submetering my EV charger?
Please fill out the form below and Gridtractor will get back to you with next steps.
EV Submetering and Meter Data Management
Thank you for your interest in EV Submetering services. Gridtractor is an approved Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) for SCE and expects to be approved by PG&E early in 2025.
We plan to launch this service for customers and third parties in Q1 of this year. MDMAs are responsible for collecting customer usage data from submeters, validating the data, and sending it to the utility to generate bills for the main meter and the submeter.
So that we can best serve you as soon as the service is launched, please answer these questions.