What is REACT?
Rural Electrification and Charging Technology (REACT) is a program that helps businesses and consumers to transition to electric vehicles and equipment, and incentivizes them to charge (and discharge) when it is least expensive and most beneficial for California’s electricity grid.

Who is it for?
Rural businesses in the PG&E and SCE service territories that have, are planning to buy, or want to assess the value of electric tractors and/or other vehicles.
How do I benefit?
REACT helps you to get going with electric vehicles and tractors or to expand and optimize charging for your operation.
Software and expert help to determine the optimal charging solutions for your operations, now and in the future.
Incentives to lower the costs of charging infrastructure - hardware, software and installation - to lower the costs of deploying electric tractors and vehicles.
Software and support to participate in one of several programs and rates in California to further reduce operating costs by using electricity when it's cheapest and, optionally, selling power to the grid when it is most expensive.
What do I have to do?
California’s cheapest, cleanest power is generated by the sun while it is shining and its most expensive and dirtiest power is generated when the sun goes down and demand is highest on the grid. The nighttime hours are somewhere in the middle.
There are a variety of rates and programs that you may be eligible for but, in general, if you can avoid charging between 4 - 9 p.m. most of the time, you are eligible for incentives and can reduce charging costs.
While we are seeking customers who will generally avoid charging at high priced times, you can always do what you need for operations, there are no penalties, and the pilot rates have “bill protection,” meaning that you will never pay more than you would have on your regular rate plan.
How is the program funded and operated?
REACT is funded under a grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) and accesses additional funding from electrical utilities authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
The REACT team includes Gridtractor, an Agricultural charging services provider, Valley Clean Energy (VCE), a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) in Yolo County, and Monarch Tractor.
Depending on your location(s), fleet and ability to respond to the signals, you may participate in one of several programs offered by the utilities. The REACT team manages everything from enrollment to incentive applications and getting incentives paid.
How do I get started?
To determine eligibility for incentives and the best program fit, we need to understand your electrical infrastructure and tractor fleet (electric and diesel). The first step is to share utility data and answer a few questions. Once we review those, we will contact you to discuss your incentives and program options.
Once you log in, select Gridtractor from the list and follow the instructions on screen. Contact us at 530-444-1238 or info@gridtractor.com if you need assistance.
Click 'Other' if you don't have a login, are not served by PG&E or SCE, or don't want to share your data yet.